Monday, December 10, 2012

[Monday, December 10, 2012] Day +73

Kenton had clinic today.
Luke said he could tell something was different when Brenda walked into the room.
The results from Thursday's bone marrow aspirate showed 2-3% abnormal cells.
They'll quickly taper steroids.
And then taper anti-rejection meds.
We're praying that Kenton's body will be strong enough to fight these abnormalities.
That's the hope.
They'll keep tabs on his blood with weekly blood draws.
Make decisions and changes based on those and weekly clinic visits.
On Sunday we were so excited thinking that January 6th life would return to some semblance of normal when the boys finally moved home at the end of the 100 days.
We had such a great "normal" weekend - did a little bit of shopping, had some take-out (5 guys, yum!), went on a carriage ride at Thanksgiving Point, went to church, and just really enjoyed our time together.
Now things are up in the air.
Not sure if they'll get to move home.
Our hearts are heavy.
There are many worries associated with this new development.
We would appreciate your prayers for strength, wisdom, and peace.
As we enter the Christmas season, we are grateful for the birth of our Savior and His atoning sacrifice.
And we're thankful for each of you.
Many angels walk this path with us each day.
Your kindnesses, service, and love lift us.
May you feel of our Savior's love.

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