Monday, August 27, 2012

[Monday, August 27, 2012] Day 74

Clinic this morning.
The unknown had us all a little on edge.

I fixed breakfast, ate, and left for school.
Okay, so it wasn't exactly that easy.
There was a lot of hugging, kissing, crying involved.

The boys dropped McKayslin off at school.
They came home and did the dishes and finished packing the van.
Just in case. . .

They left for clinic early, hoping to get in early so they could get home early.

I didn't hear much until afternoon recess time.
Then there was a text. . .
"Can I call you?  Good news."

Soooo glad it was recess time!

I called right then and Luke relayed the results of clinic along with the tentative treatment plan.
ALL numbers are up.
ANC is 1000.
Yes, 1000.
Dr. Barnette is convinced that the leukemia is gone from Kenton's marrow.
The tentative treatment plan includes clinic and RTUs (bone marrow aspirate and lumbar puncture with spinal chemo) on Thursday.
Bone marrow will be sent to Washington for testing.
Once the results come back, if they are as favorable as Dr. Barnette is convinced they are, Kenton will be admitted and begin the chemo preparatory for his bone marrow transplant.

You read that correctly.
If Kenton's bone marrow is clear of leukemia cells, he will begin the bone marrow transplant process next week.

2 full rounds ahead of schedule.

Once again the faith and prayers of this amazing team of people who love Kenton have worked miracles!
Kenton knows of your love and faith.
It lifts and encourages him.
Gives him strength to fight.

If there are signs of leukemia still in Kenton's marrow, the treatment plan will be adjusted.

What does this all mean?
Well. . .Kenton could be completely finished with treatment as early as the end of December if all goes as planned with the tentative treatment plan and if his body responds favorably to the transplant.

We have to be incredibly vigilant with Kenton over the next week.
ANY illness will delay treatment.

Needless to say, we are beyond excited about this prognosis.

Kenton and Luke went into ICS to see Kenton's nurses.
Tristyn the Great and Boston were there.
Tristyn the Great gave him a hug and Boston gave him a Boston Red Sox Beanie.
Kenton's already on the lookout for a New York Yankees prize to give to Boston.
I so love and appreciate the way the nurses, techs, and cleaning staff there in ICS bond with the kiddos.
It can't be an easy thing when they are so sick.
But we see it all the time.
Such amazing people.  
The staff on ICS is such a critical part of treatment. . .  

The boys made it home around 5.
Met us at gymnastics.
Luke came home to sleep.
Kenton and I had a few errands to run.
He wore his mask and was super careful not to touch anything.

We went back over to gymnastics.
Mrs. Armstrong met us there with a pillow for McKayslin to match the one that she made for Kenton.  So very sweet!
Kenton and are were talking to her before McKayslin came out.
Kenton's cute friend Tori walked by.
Kenton said, "Hi, Tori!"
She turned, said, "Hi, Kenton!" and walked into the building.
Seconds later she and Lynds came screaming out of the building, "KENTON!!!!"
They ran up to him, screeched to a halt and at the same time asked, "Can we hug him?!"
So cute!
And Kenton was worried that his friends would forget him. . .

We picked up some dinner.
Came home, woke Luke up, ate, and then it was bedtime for the kids.
McKayslin spent a few minutes playing with Sparky.
We said prayers, lots of prayers of gratitude!
And tucked the kids into bed.

We are going to enjoy every minute we can of the next week together.
Once Kenton starts the bone marrow process, because of the germs I inherit as part of my daily interaction with my first grade littles, there may be weeks that pass before we get to actually spend time together.

Thank heavens for Skype!

Of course, life may continue as normal with our weekend visits.  It all depends on Kenton's response to treatment and if my body can fight off illness as we go into fall/winter.

Did I just say normal?!


Yes.  Our new normal.
We can do this.

Because of YOU, we can do this!

Thank you so much for being part of this journey.
For sharing your faith.
Your prayers.
Your strength.
We really couldn't do this alone.

You're all part of this miracle.
All part of this healing process.
I wish I had something more to say besides thank you.

And that, my friends, is Day 74.


mommyofsix said...

I have two videophones that you can borrow during the time you will be separated. No charge, completely free.

Shine said...

Oh. I am literally bawling. Two FULL rounds ahead. Deb, I never cease to be amazed and inspired by you, Kenton, Luke, and Makayslin. You are truly a special family and hold a very special place in my heart. Keeping you all in my prayers and heart,
Shine said...

So happy for you all!!!! My prayers will include an extra request that you are able to fight infection. I think that it is a small miracle that you haven't had your annual Aug cold. It seems like you are always sick for most of August. I am thrilled beyond words that Kenton has done so well. We are taking vitamins like candy over here. I haven't gotten the cold and everyone else is just about over it but we won't be seeing Kenton while he is home just in case a rouge germ has stuck around looking for a new host. We are praying everyday and have much love for you all! <3

Rhonda Miller said...

Oh, that's good news. I hope all goes well with the bone marrow. I'll continue praying for you all.

Stephanie said...

That's amazing.

Stephanie said...

That's amazing.

Sheree Peterson said...

Your family is inspiring! So glad to hear your awesome news. Continuing to pray for you all.

Mama Bair said...

Deb, So happy to hear the good news. I read an article about a family that drinks one glass of 100% real grape juice every day and they never get sick. If the flu is going around they will bump it up to 3 a day. Have one kid that hates grape juice and refuses to drink it. He is the only one in the family that ever gets sick. Maybe this will help you stay healthy all winter?